We Believe:

  • In one God, revealed as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus Christ, God’s son, sacrificially died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and is savior to those who believe in Him.

  • The Holy Spirit was sent by God to live in, and transform the lives of believers into the likeness of Christ.

  • Scripture is the inspired word of God, and our ultimate and final authority for faith and practice.

  • The church, Christ’s radiant bride, is a spiritual body made up of believers, each of whom is a vital part of God’s plan.

Our Mission

We will reach out and invite others to become active in our church family and live and love like Jesus.

What does this mean in action? It means that every single day, absolutely everywhere we go, and toward every person we encounter, we do our best to live the way Jesus lived, to love as He loves, and we invite you to join us in committing our lives to one another as part of our church family.

Core Values

In order to build God’s Kingdom, we emphasize a relationship with Christ and one another to:

  • Welcome all with love.

  • Be passionate in our pursuit of living and loving like Jesus.

  • Care within and reach out.

  • Worship in a manner that glorifies God, strengthens the church and evangelizes those who don’t know Christ.

  • Transform lives through the Holy Spirit.

  • Walk alongside children and youth to cultivate their spiritual growth, while embracing every adult believer in our church.

  • Equip and support families to be the primary discipler of their children.

  • Use our spiritual gifts to serve Him at every life stage.

  • Give our best to God: time, talent, treasures.

  • Serve with humility, focused on God, not us.

  • Be a safe place to give and receive ministry.

  • Walk in purity and integrity.